Saturday, January 17, 2009

Great day today! Above Zero!!

We went to art lessons today and had a great time! Plus we met a young lady there that uses sign language. I have searched for someone to teach us sign language and hopefully she will consider it! Then we headed to the mall where we checked our coats in a locker and headed to the food court for Chinese was great! And as we were there we met a new friend. Lorey came up and introduced herself and her family. Two adopted children from Korea and her daughter Clair was showing off her new swim suit...she will enjoy her summer for sure. Their son is 6 and we decided we have to stay in was very nice that she came up and spoke to me and our girls...we also loved the kisses thrown our way when she left..we feel we have met a true friend. As we left the mall though Claude called to say the wind had picked up and basically our road was white out conditions so we headed home with him saying he was meeting us at the end of the 1 1/2 mile lane so we got in ok...we are all home safe and sound and in our jammies ready to play battleship and checkers...!

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