Friday, June 20, 2008

Prepring for a new Daughter/sister

We spend a lot of time preparing our daughters for a new sister coming. From the moment we are considering adopting we are very verbal with our family, our social worker and in prayer. Once we have gotten the pre-approval for the adoption of our daughter we start talking in our home with the girls about when their new sister comes what will change, what to expect, and we pray for her to know that she is being adopted and to be able to love us and her new home. We also address some things that you may not even think about, don't forget that she may not know where the bathroom is, or she may not know where the glass's are...that she might be scared of her bed and want to sleep with someone, or she may not like any of the clothes we have bought for her...we also remind the girls that sometimes she might be sad and cry...or that they might be sad and cry themselves....
One hard part of us adopting as a family is the 2 week trip away from home. I am the one that travels and Claude stays home to hold down the fort. I leave a card and a "gift" for each daughter at home for each day so they have something to look forward to. Last year while i was gone our son Kris and his daughter came for a week of the two and that really kept the girls fact they did not want to talk to me on the phone a few times they were so busy! When i get home I go back to the office and we have been so fortunate as Claude takes a couple weeks as needed to stay home for the girls to adjust. I think all of this gives them a great beginning!
Last weekend we set up the new bed and made her a bulletin board and hung it up. She will be sharing a room with Vicky and Vicky thinks she will like pink the same as her...hmmmm hope so :)
We have bought some clothes, we have her weight and height but are waiting to buy to many as what if she does not any of them...there will be plenty of time to buy clothes when we receive her. So please keep checking back!

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